ACM SIG MM eNewsletter ACM SIG MM webpage



Call for Contributions

Submission date: 20. June 2009

Dear members of the ACM SIGMM community:

The creation of a quarterly electronic newsletter for the ACM SIG Multimedia community was proposed at the ACM Multimedia in Augsburg in 2007 and the first edition was published in January 2008.

After a year of eNewsletter publications, the position of the newsletter is going to be strengthened in 2009 by replacing it with the SIGMM Records that will be accessible through the SIG's website and the ACM Digital Library.

New issues of SIGMM Records will be announced through a dedicated mailing list or through an RSS feed. For details, watch the SIG's website.

We await your contributions by 20. June 2009. Please follow the links provided below to see the information that is required for a particular submission to the newsletter. All contributions that were appropriate for the SIGMM eNewsletter will also be appropriate for the SIGMM Records. You can use the provided forms to create an email contribution or send an email directions to but please do not hesitate to contact us at the same email address with ideas for contributions related to book reviews, comments, paper errata or outrageous statements that you would like to make known.

PhD thesis abstracts

To achieve its goal of strengthening the dissemination of research and in order to get to know the members of the community, the newsletter will feature abstracts of recently concluded PhD theses. If you are a member of ACM SIGMM and have successfully defended your PhD thesis in a field that is relevant to the SIGMM community in the past 6 months, or if you are a SIGMM member and you have supervised a student who has recently achieved this, you are invited to submit an abstract that briefly describes the work.

Submit a PhD thesis abstract.

Conference and workshop report

To achieve its goal of strengthening the dissemination of research, the SIGMM newsletter publishes reports from conferences and workshops that are held with SIGMM involvement. This includes events that have been held with sponsorship of as well as in cooperation with SIGMM.

Submit a report for an event.

Freely available source code, traces and test content

To strengthen the cooperation within the SIGMM community, we ask you to use the newsletter to announce material that you have made available to the community for free. This should include source code, traces, and test content that can be used by any member of the community for research purposes without any payment whatsoever. The material must not come with any conditions of use that limit the freedom of research of the SIGMM member who decides to make use of this material, and it must not prevent the user from any activity unrelated to the use of this material.

Submit an item that is freely available.

Awards granted

We request your contributions concerning major scientific awards that have been granted to members of the ACM SIGMM. Your contribution should include both a short description of the award itself, and more details about the SIG member's scientific work for which the award has been granted.

Submit an award grant article.


Short announcements will be included in the newsletter.


At this time, neither the version of the newsletter that is distributed to the SIGMM mailing list nor the versions that are found on the web will contain paid-for advertising.


The newsletter will contain URLs referring to web pages outside the control of the ACM SIGMM or the newsletter editors. The editors will check all links before the publication of the newsletter, but guarantees for their function or guarantees against infections with malware can not be given.

Editorial board

Carsten Griwodz (Simula Research Laboratory)
Jun Wang (University College London)
Yi Cui (Vanderbuilt University)
Stephan Kopf (University of Mannheim) Regu Rhadakrishnan (Dolby Labs)