Kent-Andre Mardal
Research Scientist at Simula Research Laboratory
and Associate Professor at the University of Oslo. (20%),
Department of Informatics,
University of Oslo,


I work at Simula, you can found out more about my research here.
A list of my publications can be found here here.

Popular scientific presentations of my work can be founds International Innovation (July 2012, page 100-102) and Apollon (November 2011).


I am involved in the following FEniCS projects, I am also one of the developers of the tools for multilevel methods and mixed elements in Diffpack.


Zombies have become popular lately and they have even made their way into science. In 2009, Munz et. al. showed that a zombie infection almost certainly will lead to doomsday (or Z-day), see the paper. In our response to this paper we demonstrate that it is not very likely that a zombie infection will lead to the end of mankind, see the paper that will appear in the upcoming book Zombies in the Academy. In other words, most zombie movies are not surprisingly unrealistic! The model for zombie outbreaks are based on the familiar SIR model frequently used to analyze many common diseases such as influenza, HIV, Malaria, etc.


I am teaching the courses: Earlier I have also teached INF3330 - Problem solving with high level languages


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